Theory 1
submitted by Webmaster Tony
One theory, is that the next book, only known now as book three, will be named Empire. This is kept up, because
book one was named Eragon, and book two Eldest. look at the diagram, and note the similarities.
1E E E You
see the similarities? they all start
2R L M with
the letter E, and are six letters
3A D P long.
It could also be EMPIRE,
4G E I
because the third dragon, a green
5O S R one,
may hatch for the empire,
6N T E instead
of the Varden. if this happens, then the book will most probably be named EMPIRE. Christopher paolini
himself says that it could easily be called EMPIRE, but it could just as easily be called BUBBLES FOR BUCKFISH, as he
said in an interview with MIKE MACAULEY in an interviw with SHURTUGAL, on a podcast.
Remember the vision that Eragon had after garrow's death, the one about the dragons, and the boat, and the
other stuff? Well, I think that he was seeing his destiny. Here is my reasoning
-He has had other visions (eldest,
where he sees himself battling Murtagh) -He knows that the people in the vision are some sort of nobility (he is a rider,
and Araya is a princes) -he hears someone weeping, that could be Murtagh while Thorn and Saphira are flying off into the
distance -He already knows that he has to leave forever
So, basically, Saphira and Thorn could be flying off into the distance, the boat could be elf make, becuase
the love the sea so much. They could be getting royal services for their wedding, and his wife could be Araya.
Murtagh could be on the beach, crying, because his dragon, a part of himself, has left him for Saphira, and because he has
become his father.