Note, that these have been copied straight from Eldest and Eragon
Aiedail - AY-uh-dale Ajihad - AH-zhi-hod Alagaësia - al-uh-GAY-zee-uh Arya
- AR-ee-uh Carvahall - CAR-vuh-hall Dras-Leona - DRAHS-lee-OH-nuh Du Weldenvarden - doo
WELL-den-VAR-den Ellesméra - el-uhs-MEER-uh Eragon - EHR-uh-gahn Farthen Dûr - FAR-then
DURE (dure rhymes with lure) Galbatorix - gal-buh-TOR-icks Gil'ead - GILL-ee-id Glaedr
- GLAY-dur Hrothgar - HROTH-gar Islanzadi - iss-lan-ZAH-dee Jeod - JODE (rhymes with load) Murtagh
- MUR-tag (mur rhymes with purr) Nasuada - nah-SOO-ah-dah Nolfavrell - NOLL-fah-vrel (noll
rhymes with toll) Oromis - OR-uh-miss Ra'zac - RAA-zack Saphira - suh-FEAR-uh Shruikan
- SHREW-kin Sílthrim - SEAL-thrim (sil is a hard sound to transcribe; it's made by flicking the tip of the
tongue off the roof of the mouth.) Teirm - TEERM Trianna - TREE-ad-nuh Tronjheim - TRONJ-heem Urû'baen
- OO-roo-bane Vrael - VRAIL Yazuac - YA-zoo-ack Zar'roc - ZAR-rock