Akh Guntéraz dorzāda! - For Guntéra's adoration!
Akh sartos oen durgrimst! - For family and clan!
alfrell - kind
arūna - to bless
Ascudgamln - fists of steel
Astim Hefthyn - Sight Guard
Āz knurl deimi lanok. - Beware, the rock changes.
Az Ragni - The River
Az Sweldn rak Anhuin - the Tears of Anhuin
Azt jok jordn rast - Then you may pass.
barzul - a curse; ill fate
barzul knular! - Curse them!
barzuln - to curse someone with multiple misfortunes
barzūlegūr - a curse
Beor - cave bear
cardozada - lover
carvlorss - one who arranges
bragha! - Great danger!
dorzada - love
dūrgrimst - clan (literally, our hall/home)
Carn - Bald One
enarūna - to bless the most
eta - no
etzil - stop
Etzil nithgech - Stop there!
Farthen Dūr - Our Father
Feldunost - frostbeard
fild - who
Formv Hrethcarach...formv Jurgencarmeitder nos eta goroth bahst Tarnag, dur encesti rak kythn! Jok is warrev az
barzulegur dur durgrimst, Az Sweldn rak Anhuin, mogh tor rak Jurgenvren? Ne udim etal os rast knurlag. Knurlag ana
- This Shadeslayer...this Dragon Rider has no place in Tarnag, our holiest of cities! Do you forget the curse our clan, the
Tears of Anhuin, bears from the Dragon War? We will not let him pass. He is...
Grimstborith - clan chief
grimstcarvlorss - arranger of the house
Guntera Aruna - Guntera Bless
hķrna - likeness; statue
hort - moment
huthvir - double-bladed staff weapon used by the Durgrimst Quan
Ignh az voth! - Bring the food!
Ilf gauhnith - Dwarf expression meaning "It is safe and good."
Ilf carnz orodüm. - It is
one's obligation/fate.
Ingeitum - metalworkers; smiths.
Isidar Mithrim - Star Sapphire
Jok is frekk durgrimstvren? - Do you want a clan war?
knurl - stone; rock
- dwarf (literally, one of stone)
Knurlag qana qiranu Durgrimst Ingeitum! Qarzul ana Hrothgar oen volfild - He was made a member of Clan
Ingeitum! Cursed is Hrothgar and all who...
knurlagn - men
knurhiem - Stonehead
knurlnien - Heart of Stone
Kóstha-mérna - Foot Pool (a lake)
menotho - unfaithful
or faithless
nagra - giant boar
oef - yes; affirmative
Orik Thrifkz menthiv oen Hrethcarach Eragon rak Durgrimst Ingeitum. Wharn, az vanyali-carharug Arya. Ne oc Undinz
grimstbelardn. - Orik, Thrifk's son, and Shadeslayer Eragon of Clan Ingeitum. Also, the elf-courier Arya. We are
Undin's hall-guests.
Os il dom qiranu carn dur thargen, zeitmen, oen grimst vor formv edaris rak skilfz. Narho is belgond...
- Let our flesh, honor, and hall be made as one by this blood of mine. I do pledge...
- stopped
qarzūl - cursed
Ragni Hefthyn - River Guard
sheilven - cowards
shrrg - giant wolf
sigt - flicker
smer voth - Serve the food.
strāddsigt - flickering
Tronjheim - Helm of Giants
Urzhad - cave bear
vanyali - elf
vlorss - to arrange
volfild - all who
volhort - every moment
volhortn - all moments
- Eternal Fighter
Vol Turin - The endless Staircase
Vor Hrothgarz korda! - By Hrothgar's hammer!
vrron - enough
werg - an exclamation of disgust (the dwarves' shi*)