In order (I think)
Alagaësia Alagaësia: Once the Land of Dragons. The race of Dragons was
ended by Galbatorix. This is the continent where eragon Lives. Home to five main races and factions: the
Empire (Galby), the Varden(nasuada), the Elves(Islanzadi), the Dwarves(Hrothgar), and Surda(King Orrin). Alagaësia has
Vroengard, one of several islands, and is the most important because it was once home to the Dragon Riders, before the fall.
The Spine The Spine is a vast mountain range which covers a majority of Alagaësia's west coast.
This is where Eragon found Saphira's egg, and where it is rumored that half of galby's island was found. Carvahall Carvahall
is located in/near the spine, a vast mountain range covering most of west Alagaësia. Carvahall is home to Eragon, Brom,
Garrow, Roran, Morn, Horst, Sloan, Katrina, Marian, etc. A couple of times a year, in the spring and in the
fall, Carvahall gets travelling merchants who bring news to the isolated village. FYI, Carvall has no urgals, yet... Palancar
Valley A valley in the north of Alagaësia. The base of the Igualda Falls makes up the
most north point of the valley.Therinsford is in Palancer Valley, as well as Carvahall. It was named after King
Palancer, the first human king. John Jude Palancar, in real life, is the artist who drew Saphira, Thorn, and Glaedar,
and will soon draw greenie, dragon number three. Therinsford Therinsford is a bigger than Carvahall.
. The outer edges of the town are lined with farms and farm land. Therinsford is the town where Roran recently
took a job at a Mill. The town is located along the Anora River, having to cross the bridge to get into the town Yazuac
Yazuac is a small village located close to the Ninor River. The village has smaller houses lining the edges
and a bit larger ones heading into the middle. The town was raided by a pack of Urgals, killing all living animals and
people. It is where Eragon first discovered magic, and where Brom was injured. Daret Daret
is a small and wild-looking town located on the banks of the Ninor River. The town is fully protected by archers and
guards who stop all trespassers that aren't welcome to their town. The town is often raided by Urgals and bandits, causing
everyone in the town to be up-tight and over-protective. Trevor came from Daret, and it is where Eragon got his riders
gloves. Teirm Teirm is located along the shore of the Sea. There is a HUGE wall to keep
out intruders. There is a huge castle with a corrupt king. Teirim is a tradeplace with Jeod Longshanks, and
Angel the herbalis living in it. Solembum, angela's werecat, is also there. There are tall buildings with archers
on top of it, and smaller ones in the front. This city is more like a citidel. The buildings get bigger
as you walk along into the city. there are big gates that close at dark. Dras-Leona Unlike
Teirm, a planned city, Dras-Leon was a tangled mess sprawled next to Leona Lake. Ramshackle buildings sat on crooked
streets, and the hear of the city was surrounded by a dirty, pale yellow wall of daubed mud. Helgrind was the reason
Dras-Leona was originally built. People worship Helgrind, and that ius where the Ra'zac live. Helgrind Helgrind
is a mountain of bare rock which shoots up into the sky with spires and columns. Near-vertical sides rise out of the
ground like a jagged piece of earth's bone. People are fascinated by Helgrind, even though it is a unhealthy and malevolent
place. The people of Dras-Leona's prayers go to Helgrind. This is most likely the Ra'zac's lair. Gil'ead Little
is known about Gil'ead other than it is a heavily fortified city completely under the King's control. This is the city
in which Eragon and Arya we both imprisoned and rescued by Murtagh and Saphira. Durza the Shade imprisoned eragon there. Hadarac
Desert The Hadarac Desert covers the majority of Alagaësia, and is one of the largest areas of land that is
out of the Empire's control. Because of the size of the Hadarac Desert, it is nearly impossible for the Empire to control
what lies on the other side. The Desert is miles wide, and has no food or water until you reach the other side.
The only shelter you may find lay in the few mountains, where only the brave dwell. If you get past the desert, there
are mountains and forest and, eventually, water. Beor Mountains The Beor Mountains
are a huge mountain range located on the south east side of Alagaësia. The Beor Mountains hides and provides a home
for the Varden and the Dwarves. With some mountain peeks as high as ten miles, they offer ample protection against the
most dangerous enemies. The Beor Mountains, the Hadarac Desert, Du Weldenvarden Forest, and Surda are the only places
on Alagaësia that aren't under the Empire's control. Farthen Dûr Farthen
Dûr is a huge and elegant hollowed-out mountain, owned by the Dwarves. It provides shelter for both the Varden and the
Dwarves, who are hidden from the Empire. High above, the Star Sapphire (thousands of huge icicles), glimmered in the
morning light. The Star Sapphire was shattered in the Battle of Farthen Dûr.
Eldest Locations
Tarnag Tarnag
is a dwarven city located in the Beor Mountains. The dwarves have reworked the surrounding mountains into habitable areas,
supporting terraces and farms. Above the farms, interlocking buildings rise to a beautiful gold dome at the top of the city.
Here he was instructed on dwarf religion. Clan Chief Undin.
Du Weldenvarden Magic flows thick throughout the forest, and affected even Saphira during their
journey. Magical plants and creatures are abundant.
Ellesméra The beautiful capital of the elves is
unlike any other city in Alagaësia. Instead of building their city over the floor of Du Weldenvarde, the elves built their
city into it. Singing to the magical forest, the elves shaped trees and other plants into magnificent buildings. Ellesméra
is rich with intricate artwork everywhere you look. Throughout the city, elves spend their entire lives focusing on whatever
whim pleases them at the moment, accomplishing tasks with great skill. here, he participated in the blood oath celebration,
and got his back healed
Aberon The capital of Surda. Nasuada and the Varden spend many months here under the protection
of King Orin, however Eragon stops only breifly with Saphira and Orik on the way to the Burning Plains.
The Burning Plains The Burning Plains is a wide expanse of desert on the edge of Surda. It is here
that the first major battle of the war between Galbatorix and the Varden and Surda takes place. This is where Murtagh and
Eragon first meet, after Eragon has beeen changed into a true rider, and murtagh becoemes an agent of galby.