New Staffer Sam will be helping out as the content/layout designer. In short, he decides which pictures
we use.
There are now two new layouts for the Bonus Content Page. In the meantime, please sign the guestbook
while your here, or at least look at it, because if you don't, then the site won't get as much publicity. Do DVG, Do
what tastes, I mean feels, right!
Yep, it's true, DVG just became a Two-Man Website. We can get work done twice as fast now, and more
posts will be added later. Stay on the lookout for Staffer Bios.
There wil be a bonus Tuesday every Tuesday, all summer long! I thought that it would be a great way
for me to give out free content! It will include previous site layouts, new movie info, special editorials, character
bios, and more! I hope you like it!
I now have an archives page for my site. the featured dragon art is done, there is the new eldest
layout archived, and I will be adding the posts on June first (or around then...) there is also a new search engine
on the site, so now this could be your homepage (I know it's mine!)
There is also a new galleries page, that has different pictures and it has cleaned up the navigation a bit.
I added some more urgal info, and am currently working on shade information. I also added a different
kind of navigation to the home part. Trust me, it works way better, and I hope you'll use it. It's kind a like
a site map. Stay tuned for more. also, i need help writing character bios, and working on the encyclopedia.
hopefully, it will be done by book three! (lol)
NEW GUESTBOOK use this to keep me up to speed on whats what.
Thats right folks! I've had a ton of email from fellow spellweavers of the varden who wanted a big
change. in my location, its almost summer, so i said "why not!?!"
I am currently working on a new layout! Stay tuned!
I have, now, a locations page with almost all, working on obscure parts, of the lands of alagaesia!
There are also the dwarf, and the urgal languages., that i added.
I haven't updated in soo long. but basically here's the deal. the new eragon movie page has
been updated, and there is a mobile phone thing going on. if you text ERAGON to 20 FOX, or 20369, they will send you
free eragon wallpaper, and you will be posted time to time for new movie updates.
E3 just went off, and from what I've heard, it was awesome. people have posted that the trailer was
good, and that, guess what, they got saphira right! The games are for PC, but not mac, Xbox 369, PS2, GBA/Nintendo DS,
and PSP. Hopefully, they meet our standards.
last but not least, click here
This is the first real post, ever, on DVG! I, webmaster Tony, am working very hard on this site, and
I hope that you visit it. Soon, I will have an encyclopedia, with locations, items, and characters. I am also
going to start a fanfic contest, where the winner will get his/her fanfic posted on the site, and will choose the next featured
dragon art that will be on the site. You can send you entries to Today, it is April 19, 2006. the contest ends on June 19, 2006. in addition, i will be posting my very
own novel on the site, for all who want to read it. Goodbye for now. [(TTYF)LOL]
Since this site was just "born" yesterday, I haven't been able to talk about alot of the content.
However, I will be adding a sites link, before long. It will be complete with movie sites, other fan pages, and affiliated
sites. i have also added a new Eragon movie picture, and hope to get some urgals before long. Bear with me, I
will be adding that encyclopedia soon. In the mean time, sign the guestbook, at the bottom of this page