Fan Fiction

Bonus Content

Here at the Writing Section, You can send me you fanfics, for the Eragon Origional Fanfiction Contest.  the winner will have his/her fanfic posted on the site, and they will choose the next featured dragon of the week. 

In the meantime, however, I will show you my fanfics, and novels.  R&R people, please!  I do this for you.

Brothers in Riding
This is an alternative story line to that of the Inheritance Trilogy.  In this story, Roran finds a green colored stone, which is in fact the same emerald dragon egg lost by the King Gallbatorix. 

Set fifteen years before Eragon find's Saphira's Egg
        It was dawn, and the Imperial soldiers of the Alagaesian Empire were marching through the Spine.  They knew that this mission was important, and that their very lives depended on it's sucess.  Their orders had been explicit---transport the emerald dragon egg.  It had only been a few hours, since the rebel, once a dragon rider, Brom, had stolen the sapphire dragon egg.
        It stood to reason that if Brom could steal one dragon egg, then he could steal two more.  So their king had acted fast.  He sentenced half of his entire army to guard the ruby dragon egg, which was located somewhere in Urubaen, and the other half to hide it deep in the Spine, a terrible maze of trees and mystical beings.  he had been clear, failure meant death. 
          As they marched through the spine, it began to get darker, and a heavy mist fell.  Visibility was poor, and the men began to get restless.  "When will we stop?" asked one man to his platoon captain, but the captain only shook his head.  "I'm waiting for one of the twins---I think it's Egraz Carn---to give the signal for a halt.  Believe me, I'm as tired as you are."
        They went on for hours, with no end in sight.  Finally, Egraz Carn signaled a halt.  But all was not well.  A tremendous roar boomed through the trees, and shook the very earth.  Through the mist, a faint sillouette of a gray lizard shone.  It rumbled and shook, thrashing and snapping at ranks.  The soldiers ran away, in a desprate attempt to escape the dragon.
        Soon, the only one left, was Egraz Carn.  He hid behind a tree, and began to concentrate.  Finally, he jumped out from behind the tree, and shouted.  "Blothr Skulblakka! Reisa Du Edoc'sil Adurna!"  Then, suddenly the dragon stopped, and a huge wave of water came crashing down upon it.  It's scales were pounded on, until they were no more than thin membranes.  But the twin did not stop there.  "Brisingr Du Skular!" he screamed, and the dragon's very skin began to burn.  It went on for hours, until the dragon finally burned away into ashes. 
        Egraz Carn kicked the fallen beast's remains.  He muttered something incoherent, and every soldier in the Spine dropped dead.  The egg was gone, but he had killed a dragon.  he had no way of knowing it then, but by killing the dragon, and letting the egg fall into the depths of the Spine, he was actually sealing his fate.
How did you like my story?  love it, hate it? tell me, by emailing me at Note, that I will post ALL reviews, whether they are complimentary or just plain hate mail.

Alternate storyline